Monday, November 29, 2010


Most kids grow up eating Mott's or other brands of applesauce, but I was a lucky one. At a young age, my mom exposed me to the real deal, homemade applesauce. I remember watching her peel, core, and delicately slice apple after apple. Then she would throw them in a pot with cinnamon and POOF, almost like magic, deliciously chunky, perfectly cinnamon applesauce would appear.

This was my first time making it on my own, and it tastes just like moms. It's apple season, so go to the store, pick the prettiest apples, and whip up a batch of this. Trust me, it's one-of-a-kind, and such a special treat.


6 large McIntosh Apples
1/4 to 1/3 c. sugar
1T. lemon juice
1/4 t. salt
1/2 t. ground cinnamon
1/2 to 3/4 c. water

Peel, core, and coarsely chop the apples. Toss with sugar, lemon juice, salt, cinnamon, and water in a saucepan. Bring to a boil. Stir frequently and simmer for 8 to 10 min. until apples are tender. Mash lightly with back of large fork. Add water to reach desired texture and sugar to adjust flavor. Allow to cool and then enjoy!

Suggestion: Go easy on the sugar! The beauty of making your own applesauce is that you're in control and can make it as healthy as you want it to be. :)

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